Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Lightest Color of the Rainbow

The windows were no longer revealing the light from the outside. Walking through the hallway, she turned to see only walls. It was so dark the color was almost unrecognizable. The pink and yellow walls seemed to be mocking her. Everywhere she went she seemed to be turning the same corners into shadows. Scared, she begins going backwards, but there were no footprints to mark her trail. She begins to panic. The space seems to be getting smaller. She runs aimlessly in search of a new path. Then she sees it. The light shines through the dim hallways seemingly signifying a way out. She begins to smile inside with a sense of hope. She sprints towards the newly found happiness only to be disappointed. It was gone. It was never there. She had only imagined it. In denial, she looks for a light source only to be disappointed. She felt she was trapped running in circles. She started to wonder how she got here. What had led her to this dark place? She starts to remember her happiness and as her memories continued, they slowly started to fade away into her brain. They were now just bleak images barely in her mind anymore. She felt as though she has fallen underground and life was too far above, and out of reach. 

It was not always like this. The yellow and pink would dance and smile with her. Nothing could bleaken those colors. This felt like just yesterday. It was just yesterday.They flowed beautifully through her characteristics. Her smile, her laugh, the way she spoke all expressed joy. She did not know it was joy. She knew it as life. She never thought it could change. She did not see it while it was there, but she surely missed it now that it was gone. She wanted to go back.

After her brief daze, she loses the confidence to move on. She had felt betrayed, left alone, with no one. She could no longer stand. She sat against the wall and stared into the dark hallway ahead. She was prepared to give up and give herself to the darkness she has awaiting. But then she begins to rethink and considers what has gotten her this far. She has some motivation not to break, but will it be enough? She questions her stability to continue walking, let alone stand. She needs help, but there is no one there to offer it to her. If there was, she would choose not to ask, she has to do this herself. She felt abandoned in blue. Who was she standing for? 

Then it shined bright. She ignored it as another dream, but it came to her. She felt lifted. The anchor had been dropped and she was able to stand. A new color began to smoothly run through her. She was able to do more than stand, she could walk. She began walking and she continued to walk down the now partially lit hallway with her new color. The space started to get larger and she was able to run. She sprinted through the open space feeling forward movement. She was no longer going in circles, she was making progress. She started to sprint to her finish line. She had felt as though she was in a never ending race against herself. She kept running, and she never looked back. She never wanted to go back to that place. 

At last she saw her new way out on the path to not just joy, but bliss, and her color had never left her side. She felt the ribbon break as she reached the end she had never seen in the beginning. She had broken away from her darkness.

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