Monday, October 7, 2013

What is an American?

In my opinion, being American isn't owning 762 American flags, or wearing red white and blue everyday, or being fat, or whatever other stereotype you would like to throw at me. It's not even agreeing with your president or various government representatives. But it's believing our first amendment. Freedom. American would not be America without it's freedom. To a certain extent, I can wear what I want, worship who I want, be who I want, live where I want, etc. And I can't be thrown out the country for doing so. 
Being American does not consist of celebrating the 4th of July. In all honesty, I do not celebrate the 4th of July. African Americans were not free that day. Bring American is understanding that no matter what the law says, who got killed for it, the skin color of our president, America is a racist country. Even still to this day. 
Being American is knowing the rights given to you, the rights people fought for, so that you can have it easier than they did. 
I feel like now as Americans we just think this stuff is automatic, and we just came and the country was like this for us. I feel like as an American we should be grateful because I wouldn't want to live here 100 years ago. 
I feel like being American is being capable of not calling yourself Mexican, Irish, Polish, French, African, or Brazilian, but calling yourself American. Not forgetting your heretage but being able to consider yourself a part of the country in which you live 

1 comment:

  1. I think you make some really good points in this blog, however I don't completely agree with your views of race in America. Yes it is true that African American were slaves the day our country won its independence, but I don't think that your race should define you as an American. It shouldn't matter what race you are because in my eyes, the 4th of July is about the people of the U.S.A. coming together and celebrating each other as Americans, not as separate groups of people. It may not have been this way in the past, but that is why we have to strive to make it that way in the future.
