Monday, October 7, 2013

Modern Day Puritan

I feel like in today's society, the Puritan way of life is still expressed even if not directly. For example, how in Scarlet Letter, Hester was publicaly embarassed for commuting her sin. We as Americans publicaly embarrass someone for something bad or uncharacter like they did, especially famous people. If the president of the Unied States were a drug lord (extreme I know) but if he were caught, you would not stop hearing about that, even years later, it may no longer be headline news but it'snow  something passed on and talked about. 
I also feel the Puritan strictness of religion is well alive as well. Some churches don't want women wearing short dresses or can't have relations until marriage and enforce the 10 commandments heavily. The puritans considered you ungodly if you did not know your commandments. 
Although Puritan culture is alive, I also feel that it is constantly shut down by modern day society. For example, one is not publicaly embarassed for commuting adultery. And in modern day society, adultery is much more common than in Puritan time. I feel like I wouldn't agree with a Puritan way of life because it's too strict for my life.  People should live how they want, and what they do is their business. Not that of the community.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the portion about the president but the church isn't that strict and can't rule over someone's life like that.
