Monday, September 16, 2013

Proctor...Hero or Stooge

I was actually not surprised when John Proctor did not want to sign a confession. He was ready to face death to stand up for his opinion. I consider him a hero not a stooge. He confessed to adultery, a secret he had been keeping not only from his wife, who knew anyway, but from everyone. John Proctor was not going to fall into Abigail's trap to keep herself alive and paint herself as an innocent young girl. He rather lose his life than lose the little morality he had left. Him dying raised question. It questioned accusations and other unexplained deaths. It also saved his own wife's life. Some may consider Procter a stooge for not accusing someone else and staying alive. But his death set a mark, to show people why these accusations and deaths are bogus. It's sad it took him dying for people to realize. John Proctor, in my eyes, is a hero

Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Arrivals...there goes the neighborhood"

So when the settlers came to the "New World" they encountered the Native Americans. Now when you meet someone new, and I assume this goes for anyone, but if what they do, how they act, what they eat, etc, is different from your norm, you think "that person is weird." 
Some people may enjoy encountering new people and experiencing a new culture or way of life, and some, well most, are like the new comers. They want everyone to adapt to them. To be how they are, and do what they do, because it's "normal". 
I'm feeling the same way with where I live. My mom and I were so used to not sharing our town home area. Once the property value went down the other homes became owned by the bank and they rented them out. Now how we did things became to change because the new neighbors did not do anything the same as we did, and like the new comers they made no attempt to adapt to the usual flow. So we adapted to them. 
Now, this is just one minor example. But imagine a school like Whitney Young, filled with so many people and cultures, changing to just one standard. Would it even have as many students? Would it be as successful? I imagine it wouldn't be. 
All this to say, in my opinion at least, the key to success is unity and unity is adaptation. Everyone can't be the same. Even those who share similar values have differences. But eliminating the differences isn't going to help you. At the end of the day you're killing one of your own.

Monday, September 2, 2013

All About Me

My full name is Kyla Jacqueline Marshall. However because most people mess up my first name upon reading it, I also go by Jacqueline or Jackie. I was in the Whitney Young Academic Center, so I'm in this class as a frackie. English is not my strongest subject, although I do enjoy a lot of writing and reading. Before going to Whitney Young, I went to South Loop Elementary School where I worked this past summer as a camp counselor for grades First through Eighth. I'm in the Whitney Young Wind Ensemble playing the clarinet. This is my seventh year playing and I plan on continuing playing throughout the rest of my high school career. 
I love playing sports, my three favorite being soccer, volleyball, and basketball. I didn't join any team this year though. Hopefully I will my sophomore year. I can be shy at first but I really do enjoy talking, I get told I talk entirely too much. I also text a lot. I am pretty much addicted to my phone. That's one way you can always reach me.
One of my favorite activities, sleeping. Sleeping is my life. When I finish everything I'll happily just go to sleep. I really don't travel for breaks. I would rather just sleep, or just hang out with my friends. I usually don't care what it is we do. I just love doing it with people I enjoy being around. My friends are like my lifeline. They keep me when I'm falling and I really appreciate them for that. 
Favorite Show: Psych, First 48, Family Guy
Favorite food: I like eating
Favorite movie: legally blonde, mean girls, Halloween series
I think that's all I can say about myself. Any questions or if you want to know more feel free to ask.